Wordpress Blog Post Scraper

Posts are blog content listed in a reverse chronological order (newest content on top). You will see posts listed on your blog page. If you are using WordPress as a blog, then you will end up using posts for the majority of your website’s content. You can add and edit your WordPress posts from the ‘Posts’ menu in your dashboard.

This bot help to scrape the worldpress blog post


from bot_studio import *
datakund = bot_studio.new()
response = datakund.wordpress_blogs()

Response Data

  "body": [
          "Column A@txt": "Gordon M Aamoth, Jr"
          "Column A@txt": "Edelmiro Abad"
          "Column A@txt": "Laurence Christopher Abel"
          "Column A@txt": "Igor Zukelman"
  "errors": [],
  "resume_variable": 0,
  "success_score": "100"